Monday, August 01, 2005

TA DA!!!

Ta Da!!
Here is the finished bag! YEAY! I am pretty
happy with how it turned out. It is a good size for toting "what-nots". Here are a couple views...

The yellow and purple side is the side with the inside pocket. A success story there! I wasn't too sure how that was going to felt, but it turned out smashingly, if I say so myself. The ring is just for interest, doesn't serve a pupose, unless anyone can think of one? It's too thick to hook car keys on I think. I don't know, suggestions????


Blogger -Debbie said...

I am so impressed with the way this bag turned out. The ring could be a designer identifier :-)) I hope I get to see this "in person" but since your items have been moving like hot cakes and I won't be in Kenosha this weekend, I suspect I'll have to enjoy it through cyberspace. FANTASTIC!

8:37 PM  
Blogger Knittinannie said...

The first thing I thought of was a key change...but then maybe n attached change purse(tucked inside but readily accessible)

I love the colors & having the inside pocket is WOW...How did you do that?

6:16 PM  
Blogger Stranded Sisters said...

The inside poket was a gamble. I didn't know if it would work or not, I thought that perhaps the pocket would just felt to the bag, but I picked up the 'bumps' on a garter ridge about three rows up and knit in garter for about 7 inches, then sewed the sides overcast to the side of the bag. It worked! I was prepared to stuff a small plastic bag to prevent it from felting together, but it wasn't needed. Ta Da! POCKET made.

10:57 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

I *REALLY* love this bag.

10:47 PM  

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