Here is the latest needle felting bag!!
It started out as a simple little blue pocketbook and became a blank canvas that really needed some summery flowers to compliment it all around. After I felted it I shaped it over 2 wicker plate holders until it dried. Then I got out my trusty needlefelting tool and some roving to accent the background. It has a sweet little vine growing up the side and perky blossoms popping all about. My garden is the inspiration behind this little bag.
Hope you enjoy it too!
It has been a long knitless week here in Baltimore. Big sigh! One Stranded Sister has been held captive in this city for a mandatory week long conference that has to do strictly with my other life. The last knitting I was able to do was on the plane here. Almost, almost finished a very fun recycled silk sari bag. There is always the plane ride home tomorrow! It really has been pretty lovely here. Parked right on the Inner Harbor close to Camden Yards. I had the honor of watching the Oriole's win against the Astros. Grueling sessions have hammered my brain during the day and the ballgame was a nice respite. Knitting would have been good too, however. I wasn't even able to explore yarn shops, but have been able to consume a years worth of crabcakes in just 4 days.
Thank you to everyone who visited us today at the Harbor Marketplace. The weather began threateningly enough, but turned into a gorgeous day by 9:00. We had a great day visiting all the people who stopped at our stand. There was music, fresh produce, some good food and a charity walk with a special appearance from Kenosha's own Daniel J. Travanti to boot! All went real well, we packed up to come home and BANG! the thunder and rain began. Actually, it was a nice shower to get caught in. Weather in Wisconsin~gotta love it.